Monday, March 12, 2012

My Language Story

My thoughts on language...... It is the most significant form of communication we can have. I was born in Mexico D.F. but raised in the US since I was three years old. Even though I remember speaking Spanish first, somehow I feel much more confident speaking English. It's not that I am not fluent in either for I read and write perfectly well both languages, but I guess my thoughts are all in English. 
One of my greatest passions is reading. Not only because it's a way to open my mind to other thoughts, cultures and places but also because I enjoy reading in other languages. Since I was in junior high school I took up Italian as my third language. At that age I was excited at the idea of learning a third language but did not care for it as much as when I reached high school. By then my interest to learn a third language was greater. 
Language is very diverse even when you speak the same language. For instance, Spanish and Italian, both languages are the same but the dialect is completely different depending on where you go or who you’re speaking to. Even though I’m fluent in Spanish, the Spanish my relatives speak in my country is different to the words I would use but somehow I still understand them. However, I remember when I was once so embarrassed at my inability to understand the Spanish of my ex-boyfriend's family at a reunion years ago. My ex-boyfriend is Ecuadorian and his family comes from a town named Cuenca. It was my first time over at their home, they were all talking, laughing and having a good time except for me since I was trying so hard to grasp a couple of words to understand what they were all speaking of. My face turned bright red and I felt my blood rise to my head when they all had their eyes fixed on me and my ex said “Alicia, they just asked you a question…” I didn’t know what to do, they repeated the question but still I couldn’t understand them.  This was when I realized how diverse and special language can be, even if we speak the same language, dialect is what makes it unique.
In the past years I have tried to travel as much as possible and have realized how vast language is. I have been able to learn new words and new meanings to words I thought I already knew the meaning of. Language has recently turned into one of my new goals. I hope to learn as many languages as possible and to adapt to each dialect as best as I can so that I won’t sound as a foreigner. Having the privilege to know three languages, I hope to accomplish many more. In my opinion, learning different languages makes each person much more unique and makes way to a prosperous future. Language can open many more doors than we can imagine.


  1. As I read through this blog the first word that caught my attention was Ecuador (which is where my mother was from making me half nonita lol). I thought back to the spanish her and her friends spoke during parties and then compared it to the Spanish spoken in Spanish harlem by 116, or by the people I met in playa de Carmen( I hope thats the right name).I completely understood why you were so confused.Its a primary example of how the dilects of language can affect the way we recieve it, especially when spoken in casual form. I think its cool you took Italian but let me tell you, if you turned red in that party, you'll turn purple in Rome :::insert laugh here::: because the similiarities you think exist seem to disappear when you're there. I myself was like um...que?
    It's awesome that you want to partake in different languages and I think since you enjoy reading, you'll enjoy ASL. The same way you're able to read words and visualize the words shown, signing presents words that paint a picture. We have an ASL club here in the school every Wed, I'll gladly give you the info and open a door for you. =) cool read...thanks for sharing.

  2. OMG! that sounds great! I would love to go, thnx :)

  3. We like your opinion,Learning different languages makes each person much more unique and makes way to a prosperous future. Language can open many more doors than we can imagine.You learning of many languages, it is wonderful.Today we learn English.

    We can improve English skills several ways. We have to listen who speaks English. Another way we need to read newspaper, books, and magazine. Also we can hear English news, songs. It improved our English skills. In the formal school activities, there are many opportunities to improve ourselves. For instance, we are esl students during class we practice writing, reading and speaking. In the other way outside on the class sometimes we speak two languages. When we speak English in the New York city, there are slang language.

    (Lina, Parmita, Maryia)
